Stage design for Karin Beier in Schauspielhaus Hamburg
A project by Brigitte Venator and Karin Beier based on interviews with end-of-life caregivers, palliative care workers and those who want to commit suicide and their relatives. Five actors tell these very personal and individual stories about death, grief and farewell.

Foto: Thomas Aurin

Foto: Thomas Aurin

With: Lina Beckmann, Markus John, Carlo Ljubek, Maximilian Scheidt, Julia Wieninger
Trumpet: Philipp Kacza, Dirk Lenschat, Benni Stanko, Hans Christian Stephan, Drums: Jens Carstens, Marco Möller, Tuba: Sebastian Hoffmann, Felix Konrad, Posaune: Sebastian John, Rainer Sell
Directed by: Karin Beier
Interviews: Brigitte Venator
Interviews edited: Julian Pörksen
Costume Design: Wicke Naujoks
Music: Jörg Gollasch
Choreography: Valentí Rocamora i Torà
Lighting: Björn Salzer
Dramaturgy: Beate Heine